The Group Health industry continues to change with premiums continuing to rise. You have probably changed carriers multiple times hoping to secure the deal of the year.

So, the question is: Is that all there is?  Change carriers and tweak my benefits?

What To Consider In Your Group Health Plan Decision

Not all Group Health plans are the same and one of the largest problems we come across in the industry is that so few companies are aware of all of their options. Most of the time, the reason behind this is because businesses are often dependent upon their agent to present them with their group health options. In doing so, it is important for businesses to note and understand that like the differing group health plans on the market, not all agents are alike. Agents often differ greatly in regard to their level of experience and general knowledge pertaining to new and emerging trends in the industry.

Here at the Member Health Plan (MHP) we specialize in providing businesses with creative solutions that can greatly reduce their premiums, while still maintaining a comprehensive list of benefits that satisfy your employees and promote attraction and retention.

Looking Ahead

Need help finding an Employer Group Health plan? We’re here to help! Our Benefits Counselors are ready and able to answer any questions you might regarding your current policy, and if necessary, will help you find any even better fit for your firm.

We know that one size, does not necessarily fit all when it comes to Group Health plans. To learn more about what the MHP can do for you, visit us at